The mandatory doctrines that JWs should be required to agree on should be limited to only those matters that are explicitly taught in the bible and that are not based on twisting texts out of context and injecting human speculation and assumptions into their interpretation. Doctrines like the 1914 invisible presence/seven gentile times and the 1919 appointement of the faithful and discreet slave, should not be taught as bible-based truth, let alone be grounds for charges of apostasy for those who reject them.
In keeping with the above, blood transfusions should be a conscience matter since the scriptural prohibition on blood obviously had the eating of blood in mind. There is no way to know for sure that Jehovah intended for it to apply to blood transfusions and it is not unusual for biblical laws to have exceptions for extenuating circumstances. (Think of the situation with the daughters of Zelophehad as one example). Thus, one cannot claim that prohibition on the eating of blood naturally means that blood transfusions are prohibited. It should thus be a matter left up to individual consciences. However, the prohibition on the eating of blood is explicit.
JWs should be permitted to have differences of opinion on matters not explicitly taught in scripture provided that they do not contradict what the scriptures explicitly teach and provided that they do not look down on others of a different opinion or seek use their different opinion as a cause for creating divisions or sectarianism.
The bible should in deed and in truth be the main textbook that JWs use, and it should be studied contextually - not topically. They should cease the regular publication of the myriad of literature which are wearisome to the flesh and take time away from studying the actual bible - devoid of the fallible commentary and reasonings of men. (Ecclesiastes 12:11,12)
Input from the membership in the matter of correcting errors in doctrine, should be welcomed by those in leadership position. Issues brought to the attention of the leadership should be conscientiously investigated and corrected.
What the bible actually says should always be the final authority on matters. Obedience should not be blind but based on the bible's authority. Unity should be based on what the bible actually says - not one interpretations of men.
Boasting that JWs are the only true religious organization and associating with them alone is necessary for salvation should be deemed an arrogant, disgusting load of haughty crap and be forever rejected.
The name Jehovah's Witnesses should be rejected are replaced with the name Christians - just Christians and nothing else.
The organizational structure should be as outlined in the bible without the extrabiblical hierarchies like governing body, district overseer, circuit overseer, etc. There should be no organization beyond the scripturally outlined congregation arrangement.
A person can only be expelled for the reasons explicitly stated in the bible and for no other reason. A disfellowshipped person should not be permitted to attend the meetings (given that first century meetings were held in private homes and expelled members were "removed from the midst" of the congregation and were not allowed entry into the meeting home. See 1 Corinthians 5:13 and 2 John 10). Repentant individual should be welcomed back without long waiting periods.
Whenever an a case of child abuse is reported to the elders it should always be reported to the police - regardless of how many material witnesses there are to the incident. If the victim is the only witness then the results of the police investigation and trial can be viewed as the second witness and be used to determine whether or not to expell the wrongdoer.
Minors should not be baptized.